Eat With Us

Best pesto EVER, not an exaggeration.

I love it on rye bread with a slice of tomato. It goes well with morning eggs, and spruces up a pasta bowl. Oh, and have you tried a turkey sandwich with it?! I am still a little surprised our son loves this pesto, actually he can’t get enough! There’s no reason why he should: it’s a very strong flavor profile and super garlicky, but it’s kinda perfect and it’s the easiest recipes you’ll ever make!

Our all-time favorite basil pesto:

  • 1 – 2 bunches fresh basil
  • 3 – 4 tbsp finely grated parmesan cheese
  • 3 tbsp live oil (or whatever oil you have on hand)
  • 2-3 garlic cloves depending how strong you want it
  • 1/4 cup pine nuts

Remove basil leaves from the stems (reserve some stems for later, they work great in a tomato sauce), rinse. Peel garlic. Add all of your ingredients to your emersion blender, I use this one, it’s the perfect size for pestos, dressings and smaller batches.

There’s no exact formula here. Adjust it to taste, mix all your ingredients, add more cheese, or garlic, as needed. If its a bit dry, add more oil. There’s really no way to mess this up, unless, of course, you forget the pine nuts, which I have. Not that it was inedible… but you DEFINITELY want the pine nuts !!

And you know how basil spoils so quickly, if you don’t plan on using it right away? Here’s a storing hack: trim stem edges on a diagonal and wrap them in a wet paper towel, covered by a small plastic bag or cling wrap. Wrap the basil leaves in a dry paper towel and place in a plastic bag, as well. You should be good for about a week!

In the unlikely event that you won’t eat all of it right away, you might place pesto into this sweet little mason jar for later, it’s airtight so the spread is preserved pretty well!




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